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🏆 Awards and Scholarships
- 2016, Graduated summa cum laude (GPA 4.00, Class rank 1 among 22 students)
- 2016, Graduate scholarship and tuition award recipient ($5,000), IUST
- 2016, Member and scholarship recipient ($3,000), Iran's National Elites Foundation
- 2015, Outstanding graduate student award ($500), IUST
- 2016, National GeoWall student contest winner, SRU
📝 Thesis
- Title
- Abstract
- Media
Numerical evaluation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional behavior of soil-nailed walls in convex corners
One of the most critical and practical parameters to measure soil excavation performance during its operation is the wall's deformation due to its construction. Various methods are proposed to reduce and control wall deformation and resist rupture, including soil-nailed walls, one of the most effective, affordable, and widely used methods. Prediction of deformations and optimum design of the soil-nailed system is a critical stage in the soil-nail wall design which has gained considerable attention from researchers in this field. Numerical analysis and software modeling are standard evaluation methods for such geotechnical behavior problems. Deformations analysis and finding the optimum nail density of convex corners are always challenging for geotechnical engineers. While the under-estimation of required reinforcement density may lead to wall damage, the over-designed systems are not financially feasible. Due to the time-consuming process of three-dimensional analysis of soil-nailed walls, these walls are often modeled through a two-dimensional analysis, and results in two-dimensional analysis usually provide conservative values. This study assesses the differences between the three-dimensional and two-dimensional analysis of soil-nailed walls in convex corners assuming plane strain state. For this purpose, a set of geometries are modeled with the Finite Element Method (FEM), and their deformation was analyzed. The result has shown that the density of required reinforcement for controlling the wall deformation increases for the L/H<0.7 and decreases for the L/H>0.7.
📊 Projects and Papers


📚 Selected Courses
- 2015, Finite element methods, Grade 19.5/20 (CIVL 537-538) (Github Repository)
- 2015, Advanced foundation engineering, Grade 17.5/20 (CIVL 411) (Github Repository)
👨🏫Teaching and Research Assistance
- TA: 2015, Foundation engineering, 1 semester, Dr. Alireza Saeedi Azizkandi
- TA: 2018, Project management, 3 semesters, Prof. Parviz Ghoddousi
- TA: 2018, Construction cost estimating and control, 1 semester, Dr. Farzad Jalaei
- TA: 2018, Project scheduling and planning, 1 semester, Prof. Parviz Ghoddousi
- RA: 2016, Qom University, Simulating mechanical properties and behavior of collapsible soil using Discrete Element Method (DEM) and Simulating the behavior of the single stone columns and computing the load-deformation properties of soil particles using DEM with Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC), Supervisor: Dr. Hamed Bayesteh
- RA: 2017, Concordia University, Developing an optimization model for the building material selection process by implementing Multi-Criteria Decision Support Systems (MCDSS) on Building Information Models (BIM) (Github Repository), Supervisor: Dr. Farzad Jalaei