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🏆 Awards and Scholarships
- 2014, Graduated magna cum laude (GPA 3.81, Class rank three among 87 students)
- 2014, Graduate scholarship and tuition award recipient ($3,000), IUST
- 2014, Member and scholarship recipient ($1,000), Iran's National Elites Foundation
- 2012, Outstanding undergraduate student award ($500), IUST
- 2012, 1st place at The 6th National Light Structural Concrete Student Competition, IUST
- 2010, Undergraduate tuition award recipient ($5,000), IUST
📝 Dissertation
- Title
- Abstract
- Report
Hyperbolic model and prediction of stress-strain behavior of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) materials (Case study Kahrizak waste landfill)
This research investigated the effect of aging on dynamic properties of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), such as damping ratio and shear modulus. For this purpose, a series of cyclic consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial tests were performed on fresh and old reconstituted cylindrical specimens taken from Mansoory Prototype Landfill (MPL), placed in Kahrizak landfill, located in the south-west of Tehran, Iran. The results show that the shear modulus of old samples (7.5 years old) was higher than the fresh samples. It can be due to the decomposition of waste over time, reduction in organic content, and finally increase in plastic materials ratio, as it shows high resistance against decomposition for many years. On the other hand, the results also show that the damping ratio, which is a feature partially dependent on constituent materials of the specimen, slightly decreases with increasing the age of MSW. It can be due to the high content of organic materials in the fresh sample, which is a damper. Finally, the normalized shear modulus reduction and material damping curves as a function of shear strain for both ages for Kahrizak Center Landfill (KCL) landfill were proposed. The proposed figures had a good correlation with the data in the literature and can be used for seismic design purposes in the KCL landfill.
📊 Projects and Papers

📚 Selected Courses
- 2013, Structural analysis II, Grade 14.5/20 (MATH 221, CIVL 435)
- 2013, An introduction to GIS application in Civil Engineering, Grade 19.5/20 (CIVL 235)
- 2013, Numerical computations, Grade 18/20 (MATH 522) (GitHub Repository)
- 2012, Computer programming, Grade 14.5/20 (CPSC 103) (GitHub Repository)
- 2012, Engineering probability and statistics, Grade 15/20 (STAT 241)
- 2011, Differential equations, Grade 18.5/20 (MATH 256)
- 2011, General mathematics II, Grade 18.5/20 (MATH 200-227)
- 2010, General mathematics I, Grade 17/20 (MATH 100-101)
👨🏫Teaching and Research Assistance
- TA: 2012 - 2018, Soil mechanics, 11 semesters, Dr. Mohsen Sabermahani
- RA: 2014, FEM modeling of MSW landfills’ response under seismic loads implied by the earthquake Supervisors: Prof. Nader Shariatmadari, Dr. Mohasen Keramati
- RA: 2012, Researching the rheology properties of self-consolidate concrete using variable admixtures, Supervisor: Dr. Mostafa Khanzadi